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A prom that could never be (Free verse) by Eric Johnson

Wrapped up in my confidence, for a night we'll always know, The time stands still and I'm above, for this ceremonious show. The being on my right hand side, looks so beautiful and bright, And why should it be any other way, for a time just like tonight. They say it's an experience, to be remembered for all time, But sadly, and to my misfortune, this night will never shine. I'd always wished for such a chance, to sit next to such perfection, And marvel at her beauty, her hair, her eyes, her smile, her angel like complexion. My nerves were twisted 'round her finger, her puppet in a suit, Content with mere simplicity, my hopes had taken root. A fairy tale in the making, not a single displeasure around, The music, the feeling, the sadness, as I am king but have no crown. Yet still I remain optimistic, the night can still be made. And even if it is colored black, there is no trueness in it's shade. Smiles I see elsewhere, for love I know no bounds, And though this night will never be, I have yet to make my rounds. Does a heart have limit, for those that it can love, I say no, and I shall prove, that I can rise above. For now has come another, that can bind me with her smile, And so I shall stay once again, in love for quite a while. A hopeless romantic, finding hope, in another opportunity for romance, And even if that night wasn't perfect, we live for much more than just one dance.

horus8 23-Aug-02/10:53 PM
you sir..need an overdose of swollen shaft...your chivalry is charasmatically uncomitted. i pray you knoch her up, and work in a factory until you lose your mind, then.....we can only hope have shakeb this preposterious pointless material...train wreck.2/10

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