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The Towel Head Blues (Pimple) by horus8

Squat on my face, and shit in my mouth Shave my back, and blow up my house Rape my mustached wife, and sodomize my kids, wipe your ass on my towel, and eat all my figs. Bush you're an Oak tree Cheney you're a dolt Rumsfield you're an American idol selling smack in Pulp Fiction Like Eric Fucking Stoltz. All I know is that I've been to military prison, and I'm as USA as baseball, but that sure didn't keep those mother fucking jarheads from torturing me for the White house. So it takes very little imagination Very little thinking on my part to come to the conclusion that America has loads of Apple pie, unaffordably tart. I'm glad I'm not a sand nigger I'm glad I'm not at war for oil You Americans can keep your fucking Christian pack of lies, and you Jews can have the spoils. Because I am a man that's not afraid to say, you couldn't pay me enough to say it's okay, to police the world with a big swinging dick. Since everyone knows all balls get the stick. Come on let's abuse some Arabs Come on let's show a little greed After all, it's only human to kill for what you need.

INTRANSIT 5-May-04/2:19 PM
I thought it said Eric fucking Stoli....oooopsie.

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