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The Third Fall Of Jesus (Other) by amanda_dcosta
“Lord teach me dear, to know Your Way, The pain You suffered all Your days, While this earth with love You save On us who doth with anger rave. Teach me O lord to understand The last of all the falls You’ve had Wile on Your way to Calvary Absolute sacrifice – just for me”. This prayed I, and went to sleep The Lord indeed doth promise keep; The following day revealed His pain My prayer was never said in vain. Next morning, I, the road did cross Surprisingly I had a toss A passing bike had brushed me past Into confusion was I cast. People gathered round to help Especially one – indeed a frien; They pulled me to my feet to see If I was alright within me. The name of Jesus cried my heart The very moment I had a start Then His peace just kept flowing on All scare and fright seemed to be gone. One person amongst the crowd To call Him friend I am so proud Gave me a drink I love so much His help to me my heart did touch. He took me to the hospital near, To cast away remaining fear – He thought I might be having still For the benefit of his mind – to see me well. “You’re alright”, explained the doctor Who no doubt was quite amused. “There’s not a scratch or wound to show me An accident you have been through”. My friend and I then went our ways Slowly I got out of my daze Of the event I had just been through Could it indeed really be true? I kept wondering what the plan Of God was, through my accident. Perhaps of goodness and of love And of His mercy from above? That night I thanked and praised His name And wondered about this sort of game – I had been through and didn’t know About the meaning on the score. Then the wisdom of the Spirit spoke All chains and barriers He broke His peace and love to me flowed on All through the night until the morn. The Holy Spirit spoke so well The joy I felt – its hard to tell The pain of His third fall I knew I’d like to share it all with you. Christ carried His cross on Good Friday And had three falls along the way Of shame and a Father’s abandonment For us – all His energy He spent. His whole body was bruised Him the people around abused “Crucify Him, Crucify Him”, they cried In His love they did not abide. Wine mixed with gall, He had to drink Little did they realize the link To the freedom they dreamt all through their lives Thinking the Saviour’s still to arrive. No one was willing to carry the weight; Simon of Cyrene was forced to take A share of the load our Lord bore on For you and for me and our sinful life run. Now my comparisons are here Given by the Spirit dear Of my accident and our Lord’s fall This indeed makes me feel so small. I fell down; our Lord did too All seemed to know me – Him none knew They pulled me up – He tried so hard Juice was I given – Him gall by a guard. Willingly someone helped me But Simon of Cyrene was forced to see The only way for him through the city Was to carry the cross – by fear or by pity. This makes me see His love for me “Cause the people around were all happy To see me on my feet again Without a scratch or sign of pain. But our Lord was far worse-off than me The sort of treatment He had scares me To see Him dead was their only plan And of all who belong to His heavenly clan. This proves to me no doubt, but that When you pray with your heart and trust The Lord will speak in different ways Within a moment or in days. Each event of your life will show How your life for God can grow If you will only ask Him to Reach out and prove Himself to You. Are you willing to undertake The road to the heavenly inheritance? Just tell Him, “O lead me on, I am all Yours, please sign me on”. Amanda D’costa 30th June 1996

Up the ladder: The Devil Made Her Do It
Down the ladder: Racism

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Arithmetic Mean: 5.6363635
Weighted score: 5.318182
Overall Rank: 3507
Posted: December 7, 2005 9:54 PM PST; Last modified: December 7, 2005 9:54 PM PST
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[n/a] amanda_dcosta @ | 7-Dec-05/9:58 PM | Reply
My style and choice of topics is typical of me. Reading the bible has always fascinated me, and always makes me wonder what it was like then, or how would it have been had i been there then. i'm a dreamer and thats what gets me going. Enjoy diving into my dreams........You might find some inspiration in there.
[7] cyan9 @ | 8-Dec-05/5:33 AM | Reply
You have definately achieved something here, since the piece has mustered enough interest for me to read the whole of it, and there is a lot of it. The piece loses realism in places where it appears you are yearning to be christian and pandering to christianity with aspirational images based on christ. I am not saying that you are not a christian, but I am saying that it appears that you are trying to be a christian (perhaps unnecessarily)
[5] zodiac @ | 9-Dec-05/1:47 AM | Reply
Okay, here's the score: I've been trying for ages now to write you some good advice for your poem and I'm tired now and it's driving me crazy. The short of it is, I think you're good and I'm so glad to have you on the site. But I think you need to work a lot harder on the technical side of this poem. Don't misunderstand me, I have no problem with your message or plot. I like it. The telling needs fixing, though. Here are some basic rules that can help guide your rewriting and future writing:

1. Do not use "doth". Especially don't use it just for rhythm, which is what you're using it for.

2. Do not do what we call "inversion"; that is, writing a sentence backwards so you get the rhyming word, usually the verb, last. Some examples of this from your poem are "While this earth with love You save", "The Lord indeed doth promise keep", "Next morning, I, the road did cross", and so on. Obviously, you'd normally say "While you save this earth with love", "The Lord doth keep his promises", and "Next morning, I crossed the road". Yes, it's harder to get the rhyme that way. Poetry writing is hard. Rather than trying to rhyme "love", "promises" and "road" instead, I'd suggest using a technique we call "enjambment" - running the phrase through the end of the line. This way, lines like

Next morning, I, the road did cross
Surprisingly I had a toss


Next morning, early, while I crossed
the road I had a frightful toss.

- Or something such. See what I mean? If not, let me know and I'll try again.

3. Pay attention to the grammar and punctuation connecting lines or thoughts. What I'm thinking of is lines like

While this earth with love You save
On us who doth with anger rave

If you write it out as a paragraph you get "While this earth with love you save on us who doth with anger rave." Or, the Lord saves *ON* us. That's not real grammar. It's easy enough to fix, just do like I suggested and write everything out as a paragraph to check. You see pretty quickly that you'd have done better to "for" or "and" instead of "on".

4. What's really going on is that many of your phrases aren't 100% relevant or connected to what you're saying at the time - or rather, you end up fitting them in in a way that's distracting or confusing because you need the rhyme. Sure, they're all connected in that they're about God's love and God really does save all the people who rave and so on, but that make a really untight and confusing poem. Um, I'll say it this way: A lot of your rhymes are too often used to make this a compelling or very precise poem, so there's no reason to fight to keep them. I would start working (and I mean really WORKING) to find new rhymes that don't require distracting or unnecessary ideas, phrases, or grammar inversion. I'm sorry to tell you it's going to be hard, that it'll take a lot of frustration to do well, but I can tell you've got the smarts to pull it off. Don't give up. And don't ignore my advice, please. People are going to tell you this is a great poem. It's a good story and a good Christian message coming from a good heart - I agree. But just like there are people who are only going to look at the story and faith side of this, there need to be people who only look at the grammar and structure side. If you listen to BOTH of us, you're going to come off better. Good luck. If you have any questions, just ask.

[5] zodiac @ > zodiac | 9-Dec-05/1:51 AM | Reply
It's 4am and I just got to America after 24 hours of flying. My brain's fried. Sorry for all the grammar mistakes in these comments.
[7] ALChemy @ > zodiac | 9-Dec-05/8:31 AM | Reply
Story poems seem more often than not to falter in one direction or the other. Either the story takes a back seat or the poetry does.
[5] zodiac @ > ALChemy | 9-Dec-05/11:17 AM | Reply
[7] ALChemy @ > zodiac | 9-Dec-05/4:50 PM | Reply
That was a good one. I think I was thinking more about rhyming story poems. There are a few great ones but I find it's no small task to write one that's any good.
[n/a] amanda_dcosta @ > zodiac | 10-Dec-05/2:31 AM | Reply
zodiac, thank you very much for your review and insight into my poem, though i might add thats its a wonder anyone could take enough time to read it and comment on it, specifically. It's really an honour. Thank you.

If i might ask, isn't there such a thing as poetic license, or writing in the passive tense and things like that. I feel and have always felt, that every poet has his own style of phrasing his words within which he fits in best. I'm not saying that i disagree with you on your views regarding my poems, but strongly feel that maybe i'm merely trying to fit in with my poetic style, this being the style which flows freely at the moment. Nevertheless, I am going to take the time to ponder on your review, and perhaps you might find some "improvement", in my style of presentation. See you around.
[5] zodiac @ > amanda_dcosta | 10-Dec-05/4:42 AM | Reply
You're welcome. I hope you're not bothered or insulted or anything.

There is such a thing as poetic license, and it basically means 'seeing how much you can get away with, asking your reader to go along with something unnatural or untrue.' For example, I once wrote a poem where a duck slit its own wrists. Another time, I wrote a poem where a white man's mother was black. The part of your 5 loaves poem where you said the people were dying of hunger takes poetic license, since it's not true to the real Bible story. Sometimes people go along with poetic license, sometimes they object. Poetic license doesn't mean that they have to accept it.

Passive tense means saying "The chair was built by me", "The game was won by Lahore", etc. You don't do that in your poem.

I would never ask you to change your poetic style. But surely if you could improve it with just a little work, you would, right? I think you can. I don't mean to be trashing your style, yourself, or anything else. I'm writing such long nitpicky reviews because I see that (unlike a lot of poemranker users) you have talent and you listen to suggestions. That means your already better than 99% of the people out there. Anyway, please don't feel bad. -zodiac
[n/a] amanda_dcosta @ > zodiac | 10-Dec-05/12:05 PM | Reply
Thanks zodiac......... Sorry for the defence (it seems to look that way). As for me, I'm game to criticism, whether its poetry or real life. i'm a sport, so feel free to comment. No offence!
As for the poetic licence and the stuff, i was merely thinking aloud, not that my poem fitted into it, or that it was in the passive tense and so on. i was merely trying to figure out what my poem was or where it fits in. It was written a long time ago, in just one night, rather within half an hour, that i never bothered to edit it in any way out of sheer happiness at having written it. Now that i've got onto poemranker, i've decided to have a go at writing once again. I value your reviews and know that there would definitely be a lot of improvement in my work.

Happy Reviewing!......... amanda
[7] ALChemy @ | 9-Dec-05/8:28 AM | Reply
I've got an idea for the believers out there. Instead of living your life according to the bible, assume that the bible is a metaphor for your life begining with Genesis (your birth) and ending with Revelations (your death). I promise if you study it like this the knowledge of God will start to become your knowledge.
[6] Dovina @ | 10-Dec-05/10:41 AM | Reply
Dear Amanda,

I appreciate the faith of people like you who see an an accident like a spill from a bike and ask only, "what the plan Of God was, through my accident." Then, after reviewing Jusus' suffering, conclude, "This makes me see His love for me."

I wish you had left it at that and not included the admonitions in the last three verses. Those of us less gifted in faith, we of little faith, may wish for the contentment of knowing "The Holy Spirit spoke so well" but are stuck in a cycle of wonder at the apparent laxness of God in some situations compared to His apparent goodness in others.
[10] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ | 10-Dec-05/2:51 PM | Reply
This poeme really touched my heart. It made me realise that if you pray, and put your faith in God, He will look after you no matter what happens. All those people who cross the road and end up being majorly spazzed up by a truck (as opposed to being mildly befuddled by a bike) have only themselves to blame. If they'd actually bothered to go to church regularly they would never have ended up so hideously deformed. Excellent work -10-
[n/a] amanda_dcosta @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 13-Dec-05/8:10 AM | Reply
-=Dark_Angel=- ; Jesus loves you the way you are!
[5] zodiac @ > amanda_dcosta | 13-Dec-05/8:11 AM | Reply
Then why'd Jesus make him such a hapless cripple?
[5] zodiac @ > zodiac | 13-Dec-05/8:12 AM | Reply
Sorry, I just answered my own question.
[6] Dovina @ > zodiac | 13-Dec-05/9:55 AM | Reply
Sorry you've developed over the years such an attraction to the fiction, -=Dark_Angel=-,P.I., written by at least two people the nature of whom changes from dismal to dismal according to the weather and who seeks only the belittlement of good poets. Fall for it if you will, and maybe it truly represents the characters of its creators. Enjoy.
[5] zodiac @ > Dovina | 13-Dec-05/10:25 AM | Reply
My, but you're smug.
[0] Edna Sweetlove @ | 20-Jun-06/4:04 PM | Reply
This is one of the funniest poems I have ever read.

This verse had me in stitches....

"Next morning, I, the road did cross
Surprisingly I had a toss
A passing bike had brushed me past
Into confusion was I cast."

I am deeply tempted to plagiarise it, it is so dreadful.

It's hard to decide what score: 10/10 for garbage; 0/10 for poetry. Since i think you didn't really know how bad it was I'll go for the latter. If you assure me you meant it as a joke, I'll go for 10/10.
[n/a] amanda_dcosta @ > Edna Sweetlove | 21-Jun-06/1:11 AM | Reply
Edna, thankyou for your precious time. I'm honoured. And the vote too.

Whether it's funny/ a joke /or serious, I see that you've already voted. So, it makes no difference to explain myself.

And if you want to plagiarise it all you want, then go ahead. Feel free. Give vent to all your frustration and pent up emotions and anger. Feel free. That's why my poems are here for you as long as you take the time to read it. That's all that matters... that my stuff be read. What you do with it is your problem, not mine.

And P.S. I ain't scared of your crap, and it ain't contagious to me or doesn't affect me one bit. So as long as you understand that, I'll be looking out for you to read and comment my poems. It means a lot to me that you'd take the time.

So, till then, nice knowing you!
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