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a note to the politically inactive fundamentalist christians (Free verse) by i_am_the_popsicle
even if you think that homosexuality is a sin even if you think that aborting a fetus is a sin i still say that you are making a big fuss over what is relatively nothing, you that potential people are dying, and that children could be raised in houses of sin and that the sanctity of marriage could be ruined but none of this is new, think of the people starving in africa, think of the people that are brutally murdered every year in our own country think of them when you talk about murder think of the children who are being raised by drug dealers, and think of the children that are raped and abused by their parent think of them when you talk about bad environments think of men walking out on their girlfriends think of the men who are beating the women thik of the men who walk out on the wives when you talk about the sanctity of marriage and if you still think that abortion and homosexuality are the most compelling problems then good for you at least you have thought about it but it makes me literally sick to hear the heated debates in your kitchen when all that you have ever done is vote and that doesn't do as much as we'd like to beleive i would like for you to do something constructive to try to fight the problems that torture your soul but you wont and i understand that is not the way that our culture does things i would like for you to see the tragedies first hand, rather than through your sattellite digital tv set, but you wont and i understand that that is not the way that our culture does things i would like for your soul to be tortured by things other than the pta meetings i would like for us all to be humanitarians but i know this would never work because who could we then elect to office? but, tell me, is it really to much, to ask you to at least complain of problems that matter just a bit more, then if two gay men are given a sheet of paper with the word marriage on it

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Arithmetic Mean: 2.0
Weighted score: 4.642391
Overall Rank: 12374
Posted: March 4, 2005 5:58 PM PST; Last modified: March 4, 2005 5:58 PM PST
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[n/a] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ | 5-Mar-05/4:00 AM | Reply
OK. Gayness should be legalised because by and large it's a victimless hobby, and giving homo couples a similar legal status to normals wouldn't really compromise the existing institution of marriage... but wait... what am I saying? "A victimless hobby"? What about all those leopards that have to die, just so gays can have leopard skin undergarments? What of all those poor, innocent cub scouts they keep chained up, and naked, in the vast labyrinth of catacombs that every gay household has beneath their dwelling? And what of the terrible pillow shortages that are sure to ravage the countryside as gays chomp their way through the nation's supply, wide eyed and oblivious, driven mad by the frenzied lusts of sexual immoderation?

Quibbling aside, what I find truly "unbelievably appalling" about this poeme is that you don't seem to have thought about abortion at all. It's definitely not in the same ball park as legalised nonce marriage. To anyone who believes that the unborn child is a living human being, abortion is mass murder on a whopping scale. It's a matter of consistency. I mean, surely you must agree that expelling a foetus from the unmentionables and severing the umbilical cord doesn't, in itself, suddenly make the child sentient. The dumpling was sentient BEFORE it was excreted. Can you tell me you're honestly certain at what point a foetus has the right not to be murdered? Of course in cases where giving birth could seriously harm the mother one's mind has to parp, and give her some say in the matter, but at least admit that we're dealing with a conflict of rights here, and that abortion is a very serious issue indeed. -no vote-
[n/a] richa @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 5-Mar-05/3:56 PM | Reply
That giving birth may seriously harm the mother may well give rise to a mind-parp. However is this mind-parp so cosmically profound that the foetus that is killed is not the same foetus that would have been killed had the labour not been so harmful. I can only hope so.
[n/a] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > richa | 7-Mar-05/5:00 PM | Reply
It's the same foetus, but it has been sucked into a morality vacuum, from which no foetal rights can escape. The only solution is to pull your trousers up as high as they will go, and pray for a miracle.
[6] zodiac @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 9-Mar-05/4:15 AM | Reply
I think you could clear up the issue by making infants, born or not, legally killable up until they demonstrate some agreed-upon characteristic of selfhood, like a sense of humour or preference for certain kinds of pulped foods, to name two. That would have the extra advantage of pressuring people to acquire selves at a young age, lest they be knocked off by roving Personality Squads.
[0] edpeterson @ | 5-Mar-05/8:36 AM | Reply
Well, if nothing else, at least this puddle of poorly executed drivel has sparked another masterpiece from
-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I.

For providing the impetus for his his comment, I applaud you, and, really, I should vote 10 on this asinine ramble based on his comment alone. But I cannot, in good conscience, do so.
[n/a] i_am_the_popsicle @ | 6-Mar-05/3:42 PM | Reply
its a shame when a group of poets cannot stand a contrarian view, and then on top of it, completely miss the point of a poem
[n/a] Goad @ > i_am_the_popsicle | 6-Mar-05/3:54 PM | Reply
lol, do you think the above posters are god-fearing conservatives? you should perhaps read their posting history. They are trashing your muddled thinking, not your point of view. Talk about missing the point completely.
[n/a] INTRANSIT @ > i_am_the_popsicle | 7-Mar-05/1:32 PM | Reply
One name: Bono. and I aint talkin' Sonny.
[0] edpeterson @ > i_am_the_popsicle | 9-Mar-05/7:12 AM | Reply
wait a minute. I had no idea you were trying to pass this off as a poeme. -10-
[n/a] deleted user @ | 7-Mar-05/5:51 PM | Reply
I disagree that the foetus should have its day in court.
[6] zodiac @ > deleted user | 9-Mar-05/4:06 AM | Reply
God, no! Can you imagine what it would have to say about all of our internals?!?!
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