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untitled :( (Free verse) by XxRuby_KillsXx
I wonder out of my dark tomb , Where sunshine strikes my eyes Blinding me for several minutes as I remembered all your lies I could still here my cries From when you choked me with all my ties Once my vision returned I could see all the bleeding cuts on my breast The dark hole that you had replaced for my heart was hurting my chest My migraines from all the flashbacks was worser than 5 days in a mosh pit at the ozzfest And yet I miss your lips against mine and putting my head on your shoulders as I rest My soul wont rest in peace until I know why you have betrayed me I thought you where the one that would let my soul be Ever since we made love out in sea But it was all a lie , a lie I couldn’t see I though I had nothing to fear No reason to throw out a tear I thought I was going to spend my time with you for over a year but now your not here My soul flies out in the night charging as fast as a dark knight looking for you over the moon light ready to give you your last fight I spot you in a dark alley ready to sacrifice Not your self , but a women with a knife The same knife that took my life You didn’t even think twice about killing your wife I was about to murder your body to let your soul fight with mine But I couldn’t bare to hurt you , so I stood and watched as you counted to nine Then stabbed the women in the chest as you drank your wine I cried asking why I couldn’t murder you; it could of been my time to shine I just wish you could be dead I would love to see you laying hopelessly covered in red So I wouldn’t have any depressing thoughts in my head And my soul would finally be able to enjoy death in bed I have not thought of a name suggestions would be nice :)

Up the ladder: Coffee with Kay
Down the ladder: Coventry nights

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Arithmetic Mean: 5.0
Weighted score: 5.0
Overall Rank: 8122
Posted: August 23, 2004 9:12 AM PDT; Last modified: August 23, 2004 9:12 AM PDT
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[n/a] SupremeDreamer @ | 25-Aug-04/8:59 AM | Reply
"I wonder out of my dark tomb"
Did you wonder, as in ponder, or _wander_ as in roam? Big difference girlie.

"as I remembered all your lies"
First you started off speaking in the present tense, and then shifted to the past tense, which isn't good grammar. It confuses people, and they won't know whether they should be considering these actions as presently occuring or having already occurred. Crippled poems don't succeed with crutches, and if it's handicapped, in poetic sense, it's as good as dead.

"I could still here my cries"
Now did you mean 'here' as in 'Come here' or _hear_ as in 'I can hear you'? Again, big difference, causes most seasoned writers to laugh or chuckle, and we really can't help it... It matters girlie.

"From when you choked me with all my ties"
Now honestly, did you wear ties? I'm confused, perhaps you're into the late 80's style dyke-drag queen scene? If your forcing the rhyme, it detracts from the poem, cripples it, and the resultant chuckles then kill it. Don't ever force rhyme, if you want a rhyme structure, make it natural and fluid-- if it won't fit, fuck it and free verse.. you're better off in the long run, natural rhyming takes awhile for some to develope.

"migraines from all the flashbacks was worser than"
Worser, as my fourth grade teacher stressed, "Is never to be used. It is not a word, it is bastardised english. Illiterate people are the only ones who have an excuse for horrible grammar, but you folks are not illiterate." Worse is never stressed. There's two choices: Worse or Worst. Example:

'My headaches are continually getting worse.'
'This is the worst use of grammar I have ever seen.'

"Ever since we made love out in sea"
Out in sea? It's proper english to make use of articles, which are the words, -a- , -an- , and -the-. So it should be written as such: "Ever since we made love out in the sea." Now, did you guys figure out the secret to swimming and fucking while also having to deal with the waves and the currents, or did you make love _on the beach_? DON'T FORCE THE RHYME...

"I though I had nothing to fear"
'thought' -- Obviously a typo right? Well, that's not a good excuse anyway, specially when theres -- CHECK IT, CORRECT IT.
Then you won't have jerks like me pointing it out afterwards, comprende?

"No reason to throw out a tear"
This is what happens when you force the rhyme, you end up making statements that don't really make too much sense at all. DON'T FORCE THE RHYME, IT IS A POETIC CRIME, PLEASE ATLEAST TAKE THE TIME TO PERFECT THE FUCKING DESIGN.
Ok? Just trying to grind it in so it sticks.

"but a women with a knife"
Women? Is he killing one _WOMAN_ or several _WOMEN_? Use the plural and singular forms correctly please, or folks'll just get confused, irritated, or really amused. Unless you intend to confuse, irritate, or amuse the reader, you will cripple the poem. If it was supposed to be a pimple, post it as such (in which case it would deserve a freakin ten and a special award.)

"Then stabbed the women in the chest"

Now I'm done being anal.. and I feel like a crabby english teacher, which is horrible, but it's essential to know this shit. Next, some things I liked:

I just wish you could be dead
I would love to see you laying hopelessly covered in red
Even though it's forced rhyme, and the use of red in place of blood is pretty old, it still shows some promise for you. So it's noteworthy at the least.

The emotion is there, the message is somewhat clear (though horribly expressed and badly written.) so you simply need to practice writing, using correct grammar, improving your spelling, and ofcourse: YOU SHOULD READ POETRY FROM THE MASTERS-- Allen Ginsberg, T.S. Eliot, Jack Kerouac, Arthur Rimbaud, William S. Burroughs, Edgar Allen Poe, etc, etc, who ever gives you the right dose and style of poetic injection to give you an idea of how real poetry is written and crafted.

I will refrain from voting, for some reason I feel like being merciful and not going for the kill.. so don't get worked up, I rarely ever point out this stuff kindly, and the proofreading above isn't shit compared to when I thrash horrible poems worse than yours. I too sucked at spelling and grammar, but the more I read the easier it was.

[n/a] Christof @ | 26-Aug-04/7:25 AM | Reply
Supreme Dreamer says it all except that the last line in bathetic - that weak final rhyme lets the whole structure down. Also ;It could of been; - 'it could have been'. 'Of' is not a part of a verb and never will be. Jeez, I'm sorry you're taking all this crap over your grammar, but I think it's because people see something they like in your writing and really want you to get better.
[n/a] SupremeDreamer @ > Christof | 28-Aug-04/9:24 PM | Reply
Why not be straight forward and blatantly rude, I just don't care for the sarcastic but subtle taunt.

I only bothered to mention her spelling and grammar to be helpful instead of saying nothing and letting her continue making those mistakes. I made no claim to having perfect grammar or spelling, and from what I've seen in the ol' historic commentaries, your not exactly the man to be avenging the downtrodden poets of poemranker.

Embarrass and mock me to your hearts content though, my friend, I had genuinely missed the beatings of old.
[n/a] SupremeDreamer @ > Christof | 28-Aug-04/9:26 PM | Reply
And yes, I'm bumbling round like a drunken red-faced clown.
[n/a] XxRuby_KillsXx @ | 15-Sep-04/8:20 PM | Reply
To Every one who is giving me all this shit about my spelling , and grammer all I have to say is thank you. I could now improve my self.Thank you :)
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