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20 most recent comments by Musicman
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Re: part of autumn by winniss 24-Oct-07/1:39 AM
Nice imagery and flow.
Strong imagery and intensity. I would ditch the punctuation allowing the natural flow to place the periods and commas. It is a distractor to me. Enjoyable read.
regarding some deleted poem... 24-Oct-07/2:08 AM
Entertaining. Nice imagery and flow. I generally do not like rhyming poems since they are often forced. However, the flow in this read was not disrupted. I would drop the period at the end of the poem. S4 was the crusher and stepped the whole piece up a notch!
Re: The Friendship Storm by x0lovelylarnx0 24-Oct-07/4:32 AM
This one has potential. I do not understand the caps on "White Storm", "Lovers", "Shatters and "Victim's". I also feel that the this would read better with shorter sentence structure, i.e.
"The lover's remain
as the storm reignsd.
This poem does not need to rhyme and word choice, especially in the last two lines would make this an excellent read. Also, don;t worry about rockmage and his incessant need to be noticed by giving Zeros. No poem deserves a Zero unless it is so esoteric no one can decipher it or the form and structure is so bad that the writer needs serious help.
Re: On Any Given Day... by Skamper 24-Oct-07/6:30 AM
Ah! Shades of Bukowski. What a wonderful read. This would go well in a darkened room among friends. Snug in the wooly cotton arms of infamy!
Re: On Any Given Day... by Skamper 24-Oct-07/6:31 AM
And, oh yes. The last two lines are pure Bukowski, so I would not be concerned with whoever this "rockmage" guy is. SOunds like he needs to read more and write less.
Re: I Think Of by forsaken 24-Oct-07/7:15 AM
Hi forsaken. I would love to see this potentially wonderful piece trimmed to bare bones. There are so many unnecessary words and the meter is not fluid. You are also mixing active and passive voice,
"I think of the day you'll be back in my arms
Keeping you safe from the world's harm"
Just a suggestion here:
Awaiting the day
back in my arms
keeping safe
my love from world's harm"
although I think that needs some work in itself :).
Anyway, use that pain you are obviously feeling, but try to write this again with half as many words and you may be surprised what you find!
regarding some deleted poem... 24-Oct-07/10:15 AM
This one has potential but the structure and all the unnecessary punctuation is distracting. Try taking out ALL the punctuation. Rather than a comma start a new line and get rid of the CAPS. Also, count you syllables in each line. This is good stuff, make it great!
Re: Her name was Marjorie Harper by Caducus 24-Oct-07/10:27 AM
As a new member to this site this is the best I have read so far. It appears you have a creative flair but please spell check your "aplologies". Also, if this rockmage person gave it a 10 does he not see a couple of technical issues with this poem, since he sets himself up as a critic of some knowledge on poesie? That is if he has REAL knowledge. But I have read a few of his Senryus. Although a few are interesting, I do not see any prodigious SKILL.
Re: Winter Moon by Musicman 4-Nov-07/1:53 AM
I took the advice of my fellow poets and rewrote and submit for your comments. Thank you all.
Re: Dark Matter by Musicman 4-Nov-07/1:59 AM
OK, so let's try something a little different.

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