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-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I.
30-Apr-04/10:26 AM
Other points:
1. The sounds are really quiet.
2. The delay before the key repeat starts is gay. I realise it's probably just taking the events from the keyboard as they come, so it wouldn't be completely trivial to change, but it slows the pace down and forces you to hammer the direction you want to go in.
3. Level 9 was called 'Plain Jane up', but the pieces were falling down. Level '10' was called 'Another level of up' or something, which implies level 9 was supposed to be upwards.
4. The first time it went upside-down, I felt ill.
5. It might be good to have a visible barrier at each side of the screen, since when the pieces are quite high, unless you constantly check the yellow line at the bottom, it's easy to accidentally leave a giant empty column at the side.
6. It would be better to have two rotate keys, since trying to hammer the rotate button three times as well as hammer the left button when you have an L-shaped block and you're near the top of the screen can only be described as unbelievably appalling.
7. When you try to rotate an L (or J) -shaped block with its long side against the wall, it would be better if it automatically shifted away one and then rotated, because otherwise you try to rotate it 2 or 3 times before you realise what a colossal oaf you're being.
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