Is it ethical for someone to copy someone else's comment to their poem, and then post it on another site? (Without the commentors knowledge nor permission.)If it is not ethical, or if you agree that it is in general good-taste to ask someone first; could you let people know that fact? I did a search and found that two people had used my comments. One was in their own private blog, and included bad comments along with the good, but then links back to my profile page here at poemranker. (Good thing my email is private!) The other was included on a site that pays writers, when people read their stuff on the site. He reposted my comment there, and a portion of it, as if I had posted there. My name (LilMsLadyPoet) is signed with my comment. (When in fact I am not a member of the site, and happened upon it only through doing a google search of 'LilMsLadyPoet') I supposed if people do this it may generate interest in what I write, or who I am...but I am not entirely sure that I would always want that. Personally, I would ask before I posted someone's comment, and links to their info, etc. What do you think?