Saying you don't think people should be pleased on a website is like saying you don't want people on your website. Its an oxymoron.
Besides that, down to two sets of people now. I guess the people who already write good poetry and are on this site don't know they write good poetry and so are on this site. How are they going to find out if every second comment is 'I think its shit' and they get a zero because the ranker in question is jealous or spiteful or are 16. How is group (b) ever going to get off this site?
More importantly the people who need help, how are they going to improve with this level of idiocy, and believe me at least 50% of the 'critical feedback' are of this calibre. Its not helping group (a) either.
What I'm arguing against is not constructive feedback but unconstructive feedback which is damaging to the community and to the person on the receiving end.
Its the trolls that need weeding out because they attach themselves to any community and generally bring the quality down. They are inevitable to online communities, weather your talking about writing or politics or movies or whatever. Like the disruptive kids in the back of the class. They don't contribute but make noise because they seek attention.
I personally am not interested in this and if some way to moderate trolls is not implemented then I'll stop contributing here and find another community, which is silently whatâs happening I think. This will go on until you left with a high troll concentration and very little talent, and then even the trolls will abandon the site.