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zodiac 20-Jul-05/11:18 PM
I repeat: I don't think people should be here to be pleased. Almost every user here is going to fall into two categories: (a) People who need help writing poetry, and (b) people who write great poetry and don't need help. Group (a) is going to be displeased some because getting help means someone's going to be telling them they're doing something wrong. Even if you do all the right critical things (believe me, I know how to do them; I taught writing classes as a grad student,) in order for the criticism to be useful they're going to have to hear that the poem would be more effective if they used "they're" instead of "their", or if they didn't capitalize everything. My experience with poemranker is most users'll get pissed at that anyway, so why spend all your time buttressing your critique with "I can tell you're really feeling an emotion here!1!!" or "'shitting blood' is a very effective image!!1!!"? Group (b) is going to be pleased, but it's not like they really need to be here anyway. If group (a) has the option to ignore critiques that displease them, they're almost all going to ignore the help they need. Trust me. Group (b) isn't going to ignore critiques, of course, but then they don't really need them anyway.

Yes, there is a group (d), and no they wouldn't bother with poetry readings. That's because they don't really believe in poetry.

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