Replying to:
zodiac 18-Jul-05/11:25 PM
I don't believe people should be here to be pleased.

As the system works, pretty much all users tend to ignore comments they don't like (or from people they don't like) anyway. So what difference would it make to just make the process automatic?

Regarding (d): With poemranker's turnover, there's no way people who were just interested in bitching would suffer under your proposed system. They'd just bitch at new users who hadn't had a chance to censor or learn to ignore them yet. If you check the comments page, you'll see that this is pretty much what the bitches already do.

Incidentally, my experience is poemranker users tend to hate people who've commented negatively but not notice when they've commented constructively. How could you ensure someone who'd gotten a bunch of karma points knocked for criticising a poem's, say, overuse of caps would re-earn his points for posting a thoughtful and helpful critique. I can almost guarantee it wouldn't happen. I get called a bitch about as often as anyone on the site, but I think you'll agree, my comments ( ) are mostly constructive. If you check, you'll notice that with a few exceptions, most of the bitches are also the only substantive critics.

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