Replying to:
zodiac 17-Jul-05/6:48 AM
Personally, I would like to see more people give real, positive and honest criticism, and I'm probably not that person, but I think whoever tries is going to run into the fact that everyone on poemranker either (a) ignores anything that isn't gush, anyway, whether it's phrased positively or negatively, (b) is looking for advice and doesn't care if it's positively phrased or negatively, or (c) doesn't give a fuck and just wants to post silly poems about obscure British politicians. In any event, whoever tries is going to end up jaded and broken or just leave. At least I'm still here, commenting on the same its/it's confusion I have been since the beginning. Still, you're the nurturing one; why don't you give it a try?

The random rotation is decided, illogically, by the poems that have been voted on the least. That is, the blandest and worst.

Am I one of the bitches? Good Lord, you've got me so wrong!

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