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Bluemonkey 15-Jul-05/8:02 AM
What would be the point. The people who are bitching would just "ignore" the people who give them negative criticism and "friend" the people that gush over their crappy poems.

The Poemranker actually works quite nicely in kind of a Darwinian way. The weak (see Rbooey) eventually grow tired and leave, while the people who actually have some sort of promise end up staying. They may leave for a while on and off, but they'll come back. And if they don't, someone will take their place. Just like when Rbooey leaves, some other whiny teenager will show up and bitch and moan because nobody likes their crappy "poetry".

Not that your idea is a bad one and it's been suggested before...just that it probably wouldn't do the site any actual good in the grand scheme of things.

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