Find the place where I've commented a "blatant slam" on one of your 20 recent posts. Here, I'll help:**
Homecoming -
zodiac: "The third and last stanzas are well-written. The rest could use some poetry."
Middle-Aged White Woman -
zodiac: [The poem is ideologically errant and offensive to blacks.]
Hard Rock -
zodiac: [something more-or-less irrelevant.]
Moments (or) Suicide -
zodiac: [the last sentence is ambiguously worded, and the idea of evaluating life by moments seems facile and wrong.] And I'd like to add at this point that the parentheses around "or" in the title are totally unnecessary. Maybe you meant Moments (or Suicide).
The Symbol -
zodiac: [The cross is not commonly regarded as a symbol for gruesome execution.]
Reasonably Good -
zodiac: "Do you love Uranium 238? Why?"
No Worries -
zodiac: [it seems that either a) you believe yourself to be the pure-hearted, in which case you're mistaken, or b) you believe yourself to be pure-hearted in vain. Of course you mean neither of these. You mean nothing.]
zodiac: [I don't believe a wine-fan would mistake a $2 bottle of wine for an expensive one.] (NB-I've found out recently this is untrue, that wine servers in New York couldn't tell a red from a white while blindfolded. So I withdraw this comment. Still, it wasn't irrelevant.)
Apostrophetic Loss -
zodiac: [you misused "colloquialism", "bow'ls" and "renegade poet comedians"; this poem is rife with logical errors.]
Beetwen -
zodiac [The statement 'you know a word by its first and last letters' is incorrect.]
Advertising Says -
zodiac: "why isn't different an adverb"?
**=Note only original comments on your posts are cited here; everything after that is the direct result of your usual parps at nearly anything I say.