I propose:
1) People are leaving the site because they're bored with getting meaningless vaguely-complimentary comments, and mortally offended when they get anything else, as always. That's because the average person who comes here is Damien (http://www.poemranker.com/p...) - i.e., never going to post again after his first rejection and too self-obsessed to bother commenting on anyone else's posts, or else you (http://www.poemranker.com/p...) - and too thick to do about anything but what you're doing.
2) You're bored with the site because you're not getting meaningless vaguely-complimentary comments, and mortally offended by the criticisms you get, which (except for Stephen Robbins') focus almost entirely on your poems' logical, grammatical, poetical, and other errors.
3) You think the comments you get don't pertain to your poems because your poems are perfect and the comments are about imperfections. Want some helpful criticism? Stop arguing with everyone who tries to comment on your poems.
4) Your comments are meaningless.