Stop calling me that. And maybe I am, but it occurs to me there are very simple and utterly bum reasons for all of the new additions. To wit,
Overall Rank By Poem: Because you don't get enough votes or high enough votes on most of your poems to push your Overall Rank By Poet past, say, forsaken's. This is probably because you submit poems too rapidly. Someone reads some 'Hey great job!' comment you've posted on their poem and wants to return the favor so they just go to your user page and vote on the top poem on the list. If you waited a month or so between posts, you could get 8, even 10, votes on one poem that way. But of course you can't. You still want to feel good though, so you say, Hey my poem 'Flowers for Monet' has been on the Top Twenty for ages and accumulated hundreds of votes. If I just count that post, I'm much better than forsaken and even abecedarian and zodiac. I'm swell! Of course, your totally bum without Overall Rank by Poet, so whatever.
Up The Ladder: No one reads any poem 'up the ladder' except to zero-vote it. I swear. That's so sad.
Down the Ladder: No one will ever click this except to say, heh, I'm better than that sad sack of shit at least.
Arithmetic Mean: See 'Overall Rank By Poem'. You just can't get enough votes.
Even if I'm wrong on all of this, adding next/previous buttons to Top Twenty and Bottom Twenty accomplishes all the same things and more cleanly and usefully. And if I am wrong, you're still wrong for subscribing to a system where a horde of interchangeable illiterate preteens determines your value for you.