With all sincerity, I have no idea. Perhaps it's your fermones(sp)?
If I had to say something inaccurate I suppose I could say you just seem overly self-assured (there's the pot calling the kettle black!) not haughty but just -I don't know- vaguely superior.
I always picture you around the age of 11 wearing a blue and black plaid party dress, with a black satin sash around the waist tied in a bow at the back, the skirt of which is poofed out by a white stiff pettycoat. Your Mary Janes are patent-leather and spotless, as are your frilly cotton ankle socks. You're head is covered in severe brunette curls that you make sure always bounce when you play hop-scotch on the playground (you cheat at hop-scotch by the way, and you steal things). You bring you're prized standard poodle to show and tell, he growls at you for no apparent reason. Dispite all your apparent perfection, you are always encircled by the faintest smell of mildew.
Basically your Lucy of Peanuts fame.
Does that remove any veils?