Your plan has all the worst aspects of internet porn combined with all the aspects of pretentious nonsense. The idea that anyone ON THIS SITE could indicate IN A SPECIAL BOX that they've published or are marketing a poem is the guffiest of ultraguffified guff. The idea of linking to multiple versions while not changing the vote average is the worst possible conflation of vote-whoring, enormously overinflated pretention, and posting whatever half-considered nonsense comes into one's head at the stroke of 48 hours. What's more:
1. "submission tracking" means nothing to me.
2. spell check is or should be utterly anathema to poemranker, especially since anyone here who regularly misspells has already so dirtied him or herself with preposterous statements about the restrictions/uselessness of correct spelling that he or she should be ashamed - ASHAMED - to use it.
3. "limited HTML" could only result in a gufftuous glut of crap BOLD, ITALICIZED, and - worst - CENTERED poems that will make poets2000 and allpoetry look non-gay in comparison.
4. We already have an advanced search which works superbly.
5. Registration is also anathema to poemranker.
6. Everything which has been said on the suggestion page lately about protecting votes, whoring for votes, or otherwise specially marking your poem (say, as a pantoum) to get votes is the height of gayness.
In short, it's bad - supremely bad for the future of poemranker, I fear. Someone will (or should) note the likelihood that I'm saying all these things so I can protect my cushy spot here, posting relatively unoffensive crap poems which are pushed to just-plain-silly rankings by the multiple votes of a few users, while parading around 20 hours a day mocking everyone indiscriminately.
Crap, says I. Poemranker is currently run on simple and beautiful principles, whose beauty springs from the fact that NO-ONE, and I mean NO-ONE, has any right to pretension here. I mean, suppose you do make it to the top of the User page? Congratulations, your stellar verse just beat out a crowd of amateurs (like yourself) all more than likely voted into their positions by a combination of whimsy, self-aggrandization, and outright maliciousness (like yourself).
Poemranker isn't allpoetry or erratosphere, and it shouldn't be. Have you seen how SUPREMELY GAY those sites are????!! Hmm, what could be the difference between p/r and them??
Could it be that they actually have the addleheaded notion that they're real poets "discoursing" in a real forum?
Bow'ls, says I.