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Shuushin 10-May-04/3:45 AM
Okay - I had a vision.

I see a poem summary header. It goes above each poem when viewed by the author. If I look at my poem I see it, if you look at my poem you don't.

The header says things that exist now, like score, date submitted, number of comments, style, etc.

AND it says some new things.

it has:

NOTES: (free form field)

VERSION: :one: :two: :three: (these are links, the last one is what is available to others poemrankers. As each is clicked, the summary changes with it). There is a checkbox "make active"; we can talk about how that works another time.

(such as)
-- unsubmitted
-- MARKET: Edge City Review (hyperlink) STATUS: accepted DATE: 1 July 2004

Status could be: submitted, rejected, accepted, acknowledged, resub requested.

SUBMISSION SUMMARY (this button will list titles with submission statuses on one line each)

Thats what I have so far.

These features are only available to Registered Users AND they might require a fee because you will need more database. Along with this, they get:
- submission tracking
- spell check
--=limited=- HTML (nothing over 12 point, no marquee, etc.)
- 3 versions
- advanced search (or just plain search)
- whatever.

Hell, it's got to be worth something - I know it is to me.

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An internet tradition since June 9, 2001