Replying to:
-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 7-May-04/11:37 AM
There are in fact three issues.

1. One should be able to edit one's poeme without losing all of one's votes.
2. One shouldn't be able to use editing to overcome the submission limit.
3. One shouldn't be able to use editing to sneak a LEWD onto the best poemes list.

The current, MORALLY BANKRUPT solution ignores the first point and clumsily attempts a solution of the second two. However:

* On examination, the third point rapidly dissolves into an inconvenient pool of buncombe. The alleged danger is that people will somehow get high votes and then suddenly switch the well-ranked poeme for an utterly lewd one.

Q: But who actually gets poemes on the best list? A: Mature Poetes. And the idea that a Mature Poete would slip in a LEWD is beyond unthinkable. The solution need not concern itself with the third point. Therefore, editing should not wipe the votes from a poeme.

* The second point, that people are using edits to overcome the submission limit, is probably true. But what is the purpose of the submission limit in the first place?

a) To stop people joining the site, posting all their poemes and leaving.
b) To prevent the Recent Poemes/Random Poeme system being flooded with one person's poemes.

a) is not a concern. People can only edit as many poemes as they have. b) would stop being a concern if edited poemes stopped being treated as newly submitted poemes. Therefore, don't send edited poemes to the top of Recent Poemes, and don't increase their frequency in Random Poemes.

There is one problem with this: Sometimes people want their newly-edited poeme to be 'circulated' without wiping out all of their votes. Solution: Let an edited poeme retain its votes but be 'circulated' again at the cost of a 'submission point' for the current time period. If it has the status of a new poeme, it should cost the same as one.


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