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deviant conveniences (Free verse) by J.B. Manning

We had unprotected sex Knowing you’re infected Your cum-fungus blistered my flesh On contact Memories of you resonate in my mind Like water on windows Certainty fades like Daylight and looking back is easy…fore-site blinding Love is addictive and I’m broken I want to Tie your pubic hair in knots and hang you on your contemplation Every time You say goodbye.

Joe-joe 2-May-04/4:37 AM
"Humans are essentially chimpanzees with over-connected brains," talk about simplistic and shallow explanations! You've taken the easy way out Darky. "Well we're animals so it's expected that we will act like animals". I think we are much more than that and that our concept of the spirit is not an illusion produced by the brain but a core element of our being. It is that spirit that yearns for answers and seeks to connect with God. Now, you can totally reject this concept of our existence. I do understand your arguments....we live in an age of science...we believe everything that occurs in the world, including the formations of thoughts, emotions and concepts is a product of a physical cause and effect. There is no plane of consciousness beyond that produced by the chemical and electrical interactions of the brain. In fact the very thought that there is such consciousness is a fantasy concocted by the brain in response to some x, y and z stimuli. Fair enough. But let me tell you this Darky, it takes much more of a spine to live life according to my way of seeing things than it does yours. To you man is a assembly of flesh, blood and prefabricated wiring. He and the world he lives in are the product of random physical events...a conglomeration of cosmic elements brought together by chance. Because he is wired for consciousness he is aware of his own existence and mortality.....from there springs his need to explain his origins and the meaning of his existence (hence religion). His life is a purely physical phenomenon...he lives, he dies...end of story. Is that how is kinda goes Darky? Life with no challenge and no purpose, no acknowledgment of that which lies beyond the physical world of our senses, denial of our innate desire to connect with and awareness of our source...this Darky is the life of the spineless coward who refuses to accept the deeper challenges of human existence but who rather chooses to say "I am but a top-of-the-shelf chimpanzee, why bother exploring the meaning of it all?” Spineless I tell you…spineless!

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