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deviant conveniences (Free verse) by J.B. Manning

We had unprotected sex Knowing you’re infected Your cum-fungus blistered my flesh On contact Memories of you resonate in my mind Like water on windows Certainty fades like Daylight and looking back is easy…fore-site blinding Love is addictive and I’m broken I want to Tie your pubic hair in knots and hang you on your contemplation Every time You say goodbye.

-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 1-May-04/5:35 PM
Furthermore, this claptrap about how we're ignoring our spiritual sides is some of the most inflamed buncombe I've ever come across.

There are some people who understand that humans are essentially chimpanzees with over-connected brains. Because humans are animals, humans act like animals, which is why it's unsurprising and inevitable that humans will be "ruled by the urges and desires of our egos and flesh". To think any differently is to totally ignore the facts.

But then there are people like you, who have an utterly wrong-headed idea of what humans are. You think their essential nature is "spiritual", and therefore when humans act like animals, you're surprised and shocked. You think that when humans act like animals, they're betraying their essential spiritual nature, and failing somehow.

And, of course, you have an exceedingly difficult time reconciling that actual behaviour of humans with your crazy theory, because your theory is based on fancy and superstition and produces nothing but wishy-washy platitudes. Your theory 'explains' a few isolated traits of humans, and struggles with the other 90%, but you still cling to it because it's cosy and you're too god damned spineless to admit it's unverifiable cod.


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