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being human (Other) by ggawrysi

humans fail because humans fear. without fear there is no cheating there are no traitors wars dissappear. humans fail because humans are jealous. without jealousy there is no divorce there are no scandals abortions dissappear. humans believe that they are smartest for New York City the atomic bomb and the Internet. the dolphins believe that they are smartest for all the same reasons. humans fail because to have free will is to be imperfect.

Shuushin 14-Apr-04/11:08 AM
dolphins are _verry_ eenteresting creatures; worthy of more exploration.

2 quick things, 1) they basically don't sleep and barely dream - 2) they have a sense of "self" that most other animals lack (they can recognize themselves in a mirror, for example).

I know, not much to do with the poem - but maybe it gives you some ideas.

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