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Shampoo and Condition (Free verse) by Luzr

The Razor catches on vomit dribble dried on my chin The tylenol's sitting next to my cup of rum doctored coffee Eyes straining from absorbing the daily comics Ears tuning into the catchy song sung to drag me awake Feet shuffling back and forth toward the shower Water beading across my head drumming small shouts of shock A mad dash to get dressed to impress Arms doing as they do best Reaching across the house in slight haste Cancer rushing to take my breath Punch the clock and walk to the back Push a pen across paper and talk til I'm sick to death Get out to my car and call up memories of friends See what I've missed, then drive across town 3 times To play the same old drinking games Talk til I've said whatever it takes Push the bull, til the glass breaks Whatever is left standing better than shattered Take home to be beaten and battered Then dump it outside where it belongs The satisfaction substaining me until I wake up in the middle of the night Just until I remember Brew a fresh pot of rum doctered coffee Rinse Wash Repeat

thepinkbunnyofdoom 2-Apr-04/9:35 AM
Beautiful. Just beautiful. The point is meaninglessness. And it took you a whole of what? 10 seconds? 15? I bow before you, oh mighty understander of all things written.

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