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I Married an Infectious Woman (My Love, 'Futility') (Ode) by SupremeDreamer

Being human is enduring Futility and so I ask in stupidity, "Where o where is my delusions of power that eludes me, in this comic & dire hour?" Mayhaps it lies within the depths of my offensive anal cavern of bodily filth and comedy, where a tiny creature sleeps. At times one can hear its whistling snore, if they dare to endure the odor that follows. Where is the center of my strength? It might be possible that it's my pink pucker who has the ability to clench and emit a whistle along with a pinch of perfume from Hades... Mayhaps this power is in some faith that I can easily begin to acquire if I braved the multitude of beliefs from which one can choose to put their faith 'n then pray that I have chosen "wisely". Mayhaps the power lies within my fleshrod with its sack of seed whose purpose is to supply women with swollen bellies, and the painful sprouting of little curses. Mayhaps I am without any influence other than wicked tools of havoc, various acts of idiocy, and vile seed meant to create more dim tykes to help spread my talent to irritate. I am a man whose house belongs to a woman. Her name, Futility, is not a mere coincidence, especially since I was foolish, having accepted her hand in an expensive ritual of ever-lasting unity. My only course of action as retribution is to have her endure nine months of pregnancy, whereby she gives birth and is soon quite ready to again produce more of my tiny hellish curses. So thus my disease spreads! Leaving me to ask myself in earnest, as would a dunce donning a proper shitwig, this query so queer, "Where o where is my delusions of power that eludes me, in this comic & dire hour?"

SupremeDreamer 1-Apr-04/3:07 PM
You've just handed down unto my drafty dome a divine prophesy, which is to my disillusioned eyes as cataclysmic, if not even more so, than the Book of Revelations.

But as for basing my career on RM's poetical trasmission of voting warts of "10"? Means my "career" was without some sort of base before his invansion of poemranker with his despicable dirt-encrusted clicker brigade... But we both know that I was just as arrogant and ego-bloated before the coming of the Rockmage, in the days then my scores were in the dismal mudpit.

And RM isn't the one who has drowned my posted pieces with votes that drastically affected my scores- CLS was the one who was the last to shower me with a flood of tens as a idiotic cop-out when I revealed her hypocritical/illogical and random barrages of zeros on one or two particular pennames of mine, and only tens given to the other aliases of mine. So she changed her votes to tens in order to appease me, which only deepened my disgust and frustration, utimately leading me to discontinue the barrage, then dismiss the hope of some explaination of her actions.

My voting score/average was first built with the scars of past zeroing and various discriminative votes, and then only a few months ago endured spastic zeros and genial tens from two main clicker empowered forces and various lone vigilante(s). The mind-less character of voting caused me to look 'pon my score/average as irrelevant and unrelated over-all to my actual writing quality in a little over a mere month & 1/2 after having joined the ranker.

I like to think my career is based on the comments recieved in response by all, even yours, and how I drove myself onwards with my bulging pimples of confidence and zany hyperboles, intermixed with regular acts of idiocy or intentional mindless-ness.

As for my need of your cold rough hands to offer a brutal public fisting? Thats mostly a masochistic need that also offers a reason to declare war and busy myself with in endless amounts of arguement and babble; it fills the idle hours when I'm not otherwise motivated to pen s'more poems, prose etc. or formal turd-defacement of others.

But your comment is one of many which could be joined together in a one combined account of my comic saga, entitled "Rigor-Pen'd Quarrels & Tribulations of a Farcical, Dim Trifler."

_end rant transmission_

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