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Misplaced Life (Free verse) by Richard

You, a new flavor expanding Across my dying taste buds A sickness or virus with no cure Wounded, without prejudice A dirty welcome mat. The cause for insecurity Rusted bars of pitted iron A busted headlight and cracked windshield Twisted mirrors of an aborted life. Cursed future's contracting Extra small hangman's noose Around a broken ankle Dangling upside down. Bailing is to no avail A turbulent afterlife awaits Peace is for strangers- My home a graveyard in flames.

zodiac 26-Mar-04/8:13 AM
There's more. "I have been masturbating for as long as I can remember. My neighbor introduced me to pornography and homosexual behavior at the age of ten. Some of the things I struggled with were: frequent masturbation, occasional pornography binges, buying magazines, watching the modeling channel, late night cable porn, internet porn, homosexual activity, bestiality, kissing, petting, etc."

I find the whole thing intriguing and amazingly circular. Q: Why is pornography-viewing an addiction, when, say, breathing or fun aren't considered addictions? A: Because we're plagued with guilt while doing it and because we're led by pornography into more deviant, repressed modes of self-expression. Q: So what's the solution? A: Subscribe to a moral code which makes you feel guilty about your furtive, ever-more-deviant attempts at gratification. Q: Wait, isn't that all just backwards, impossible, and ass-stupid? A: Trust in the mercy of a loving Jesus, my child. And so on...

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