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Pop the Pill (Free verse) by etherealmaiden

Headache, heartache Heartache, headache How can I make them dissolve? Pop the pill Pop one more Pop one just for my heart The drugs take effect But the pain is still there It just won't go away So I pop the pill Do it again Take them just for fun The headache stops My vision clouds But the hand keeps moving Pop, pop, pop I'm drowning in drugs But the wound is still open And the pills keep coming Pop one Pop another Pop two at once All feeling gone But tears are falling Pain pressed to the extreme Pop three pills Tip the bottle over No more pills to pop My reality's blurred But not the pain As the bottle tumbles down Blackness

zodiac 2-Mar-04/9:04 PM
I just wanted to say that I just read your entire weblog, so now I know pretty well what your life is like, and I really feel bad about sounding so harsh before. But this poem still doesn't seem true. It seems like what someone who hasn't overdosed or been a pill addict imagines overdosing is like, etc, but it's completely not. Not even close. Nope.

"I didn't write this poem for others" is the second-most-commonly-said thing on this site after "bow'ls". It isn't true either. People who don't write poems for others leave their deeply personal poems in their own, closed spiral-bound notebooks and don't post them on public sites for comment. I'm not trying to break your balls, but saying that is a really easy way to bludgeon people repeatedly with amateurish poetry while not listening to any criticism. Trust me, there's way too much bludgeoning here. I sincerely hope you'll take some honest advice when it comes your way and try to improve your poetry, which is better than at least 50% of what's posted here.

So, ADVICE #1: It's a really bad idea to have a link to your blog on your profile page. People will take... liberties with it. Tchuss.

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