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Flies (Free verse) by Red_is_life
They are all flies,
Buzzing and dancing
All around me.
I am disgusted by them.
They land on me,
I swat them away, using harsh
Uncalled for comments.
They go.
Then continue in their attack,
Using sympathetic lies,
I can see it; they try to hide it all,
Behind glassy eyes.
I want to be alone.
They dont understand.
Now I am them,
And they me,
I try to attract their attention
Desperate for them to see my
They are disgusted by me;
As I was with them.
But they are not like me,
They are not lonely.
I am beyond their comprehension,
They cant understand me.
I want them to listen.
I reach out but no hand comes, no
Angel disguised.
They'll never understand.