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The Sea (Free verse) by Tarquin De La Bog

The Sea is wet. The Sea is deep (in places). The Sea is blue (aside from parts where industrial waste is pumped into it). The Sea is cold (generally speaking). We have all evolved from The Sea. I like to see The Sea.

-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 15-Aug-02/4:24 PM
You need to sit down and take a chill pill. The reason I don't vote is this: It's completely pointless. Not only are votes regularly wiped out by poetes editing their poemes, and not only is any one person's vote washed away in a sea of bad judgment, but what function does it serve? What does it tell the poete about his poeme? Do high votes mean "it's good"? Do low votes mean "it's bad"? No. They do not. You and I both know that almost all of the poemes on this site have scores that are wildly incorrect. The author gains nothing; the voter gains nothing. That is why I don't vote. Perhaps you will find some vague, sarcastic, meaningless counterargument to that which nobody can argue against because there isn't anything to argue against, but perhaps you won't. Anyway. On to the rest of your really excellent comment. 1. I don't actually care what you feel about feeling. Was this addressed to me, or someone else, or just your awe-dience in general? Your constant fervent attempts to relate other people's poemes to your own incredibly exciting life are as about as stimulating as watching the results of you composing yet another pointless, carbon-copy "slam"-fest filled with (if we're lucky) images that are not original, evocative, salient, meaningful to anyone but you, or even considered. If we're not lucky, they're just filled with total bollocks. 2. Your life as an actor holds this much interest for me: nearly none. I say 'nearly' because once I did a search on 'horus8' to see if you really had done any acting. 3. Your fictions about the kale gun are this entertaining: not. 4. Please stop abusing the beak, as it is mine and I have promised to look after it. You may use the bastard inverted cousin of the beak since you appear to own it. 5. My name is "-=Dark_Angel=-" and I will thank you to address me as such. I have spent an unbelievable amount of time and money in court getting it legally changed and YOU WILL RESPECT IT. 6. Your stoned tourette's syndrome outbursts are, I'm sure, really great, but I for one have stopped reading them, and I don't really know if anyone does, so you might want to consider swearing at someone who cares. You can address your next comment essay to same. Have a good one!!!!

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