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Dawns Blood Concealed (Free verse) by SupremeDreamer

Theres the calm stillness that embraces the morning with bloody sun-streaks splayed upon a spotted window-- it beckons the sleepers from their picturesque dreams to yawn and stretch, letting their eyes absorb the vermilion light and then bathe in mornings fresh warmth-- daybreaks sun-spilled blood; empowered by feeding on the candent veins of earth. There is soft whispering at night, then placid suspense before the morning vampires feed upon deathly sacrifice-- afterwards rinsing the coagulated stains that coat their deep-tan flesh to then emerge from their reputable households outwardly civil, bourgeois, hygienic, aesthetic, discreet, and corrupted underneath.

SupremeDreamer 17-Feb-04/12:10 PM
I can take criticism just fine, but when someone says I'm being unoriginal, I'd like them to back it up in some way so that I know they aren't simply talking out of their shit-tube. And also so I can avoid being "unoriginal".

Btw, your last statement pretty much makes my point about your comment being an act of retaliation.. So I don't think I need to get over myself.. but you do!!!

Have a nice day.

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