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one true love (beta test) (Free verse) by crwncka1

a matrix pattern of interlocking thoughts form as I drift away, into the reality beyond the tunnel of space veiled underneath, seen as the known perception of our mind that boils down to, a single layer of critical mass found as the evil that controls, the body of matter appearing as the block of the rational mind, working like cement pouring into the source of the intellect, that forms a texture so solid that everything unknown hides, away on the outer realm where I now find myself manifesting, a pattern of true psychic attunement now processing though, to your body that I now create a temple to heal my wounds, and scrape away the scars felt in our past though slow, tenderly expressed intimacy that I now so desperately need, in my reunion with you true sweet dear love of mine, that though true understanding of our nature I find, to be all I could ever wish for in return for all my love, I now totally surrender over to you with trust now found, in you as I now look though our nature to see the real you, a missing link felt within as the blackened abyss haunting, the limits of my source being in tune with a thought patten, that truly is of universal preportion and is the power behind, a creative awareness seen in a intuitive perception of the whole, that now reveals the clue found to be the doorway that fades, away in the past allowing the unknown to come back into focus, seen in my vision now looking between darkness and light, to become a true intuitive eye that allows a pinpoint of clear, perception seen as a viewfinder penetrating into the invisible, realm of nature found to become one though the hands of death, felt deep within the well of truth to be a nexus of desire, from the soul level within the same source as projection, of itself long hidden away within our existence like a deep, dark secret that in my search for meaning now uncovers, the veil away from the face of fear I have held onto, for protection to be the evil trick of mere illusion, that now casts away in my last dance with the devil, as tonight I found my nature to be in tune with another, that I dance alone with as my heart breaks away, and without choice it now feels the pain within others, that in finding the whole now shatters away the ice, formed though a voice heard of worthless nothing that I, always thought of my own in truth is the fairy tale, told as the white lie by the ferries that hide behind, it as the layer of disillusion being a normal happy life, that I now slam the door on as life is truly priceless, like the strength I feel breaking though of diamonds, found looking though the eyes of another to see my pain, as my soul has now fully merged back to the source of god, that becomes the place where my love is heard listening, for the return call from the heart of nature now centered, with wholeness that is the essence of our soul existence as one, now felt from within the very core of it all pulling us together, as the force of a tidal wave now kills the separating forces, opon us that will allow our paths to finally merge in time, as we now are swimming back to each other though a vast ocean, of love found within the source becoming the real heaven THE END

little_big_nose 4-Jan-04/5:48 PM
Wow, thats all i can say

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