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AIDS in a Glass (Limerick) by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I.

There once was some AIDS in a glass, I extracted it from my own arse. I spilled it one day, And infected a gay, Who went by the first name of Lars.

-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 6-Aug-02/4:37 PM
Poetie. At 11:24 you were concerned that I might offend some unknown person whose family has been afflicted by the AIDS. By 11:26 someone in your own family had been afflicted with the AIDS. Now, either more than one person is using the 'Poetie' poemranker account, which is a crime so heinous you ought to be banned immediately, or you are simply talking bollocks. You felt that by pretending to have an AIDS sufferer in your family you could turn your mere conceited moral outrage into personal grief and sympathy. I presume you've already emailed the site owner to demand my permanent exclusion, on the grounds that at least seven of your close friends and family members have died of the AIDS in the last week, with two more due soon. Also, you will have contracted chronic diarrhoea and trapped wind, which will provide you more reasons to insincerely accuse of personal attacks. As for the poeme itself (which, along with Van, constitute my as yet unfinished 'AIDS in a(n) X' trilogy), I thought it raised some particularly thought-provoking points. For instance, you might like to consider, and write some preliminary notes on, the following essay questions: 1. Why did the poete choose a Van and a Glass? Compare and contrast these two AIDS-containing items. 2. Can AIDS really be contained in a glass? And if so, would this provide a method of infecting someone with AIDS without having it yourself? 3. Can AIDS be extracted anally? Would this provide a possible industry for many African countries?

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