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You are the Rain (Free verse) by emilyowey

You are the rain that chills me to the bone. You are the words that stab me in the heart. You are the confidence that allows me to be myself. Everything you do means more than life to me. You are the acid that keeps me from running. You are the fibers that hold me together. You are my salt, my color where I can't see. You are my shame and my pride. You are so far out of reach. I taste you in the air. I crawl inside you seeking life, But you only offer your own transgressions. You are perfection because I am flaw. I wear your blackness, a dull, abyss of a garment. You are the goodness, mine and everyone else's. You shine in the void that is us, a beacon of warning to me. A warning that I am not you, That I am, only that you may be.

-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 5-Aug-02/9:04 AM
A good try!

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