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A Fistful of Haiku for All Ages (Haiku) by HaikuMofo
I'll Fist your Haiku
You Poem-Ranking Mofo.
I could kick your ass.
Donut shop fetish.
Honey Dip, Choc'late Dip and
Milk is my order.
Spy Kids in 3-D,
Salma Hayek's in it, right?
Might be worth seeing.
Playing with his kid
on train tracks, I'm sure it's safe.
We'll see who's chicken.
'Cunt' sounds like the name
of some rare brass instrument.
The Clit's the mouthpiece.
I might fuck George Bush,
If I could choose anyone,
and he got no oil.
Someone's crazy kid
wraps her head with caution tape.
Her brain is deadly.
Gogo in 'Kill Bill'
she'll give you 'Yellow Fever'
with her schoolgirl eyes.
Would a girl laugh at
my blankets of Garfield, Smurfs,
and the A-Team, Fool?
Girl you put my heart
on Amber Alert, baby.
You turn me on wrong.