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The Light (Free verse) by the_unknown_angel83
The pain is all there.
It never goes away .
From the first time you did this to me.
It will never be the same.
My life will never be the same.
You are always with me.
I just want you to go away.
The pain won't go away.
I'll never be the same.
You did this to me.
I want to cry but I can't.
I want you out of my head.
Disappear, NOW!
Why won't you listen to me.
God, help me, make him go away.
Your hurting me.
Stop it.....please.
It's the same torture over and over.
Why won't you stop?
You think I enjoy pain but I don't.
Don't make me hurt you.
I can't hurt you.
I feel so helpless.
I can't breathe.
Why are you doing this to me?
I'm trying to scream but nothing is coming out.
Not this, not now.
All I see is....Every thing is a blur.
Don't do this to me ,please.
I'm fading faster and faster.
I see a light , it's very bright.
It hurts my eyes.
I can't look at it anymore.
But some how I seem drawn by it.
I don't feel afraid anymore.
Thank you, God for answering my parayer.