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The Mellifluous Sound of God: Musical Eden (Free verse) by Don-Quixote

- I wish to tell the story explaining the day I experienced the joy of Musical Eden. It was a golden afternoon when I stood in that garage, its air warm and humid. The stage had a drummer and one guitarist in front of a microphone. He held something that he called a piano guitar, a secret instrument. It was an electric guitar with piano wire tuned perfectly to sing the exquisite melancholy of the supernatural. It was a drug synthesized into sound, delivered via the ear to be absorbed by my brain. Emotions of a thousand different spirits coursed through my mind, flashing images across my souls theatre. Phantasmagoric reality was injected into my universe, the melody crafted by a mad genius who studied the religion of sound. This music seeped into the ground and breathed life into the dead, causing them to dance in their pine coffins that rot for the rest of time. Earth holds decomposing flesh; hidden pain desperately buried in an attempt to forget what was lost. The singer was unreal, a holy ghost scorching the dreams of sleepers that try to escape their world. He was a messiah preaching with rock and roll, folk, and techno disco, radically broadcasting the human spirit in waves fluxing through the air, delivering the words of the wise, the understanding of knowledge sought but not studied.

SupremeDreamer 28-Aug-03/7:12 PM
now, lets add some FACT concerning my use of the dictionary: mellifluous and phantasmagoric are the two new words i learned today.

melancholy i knew when i was 10. Maleficence i learned in the 7th grade. Xanthous is also another word that i knew before discovering the dictionary.

pretentious? tsk. you fail you stupid arrogant fool.. you want to know why i even bothered to write this, with that big fucking show off title? so you can do EXACTLY what your doing now. i made myself a bet about whether or not id be correct about how you would react: ive won 80% of this bet.

The nice bit about the moon, that was also another production for you to yap about my use of a dictionary.. i shouldnt learn new words, or try using them? does it fucking matter? no. its just your cute way to show everyone that im all about big words and looking my best, with my hair gelled, my hands gloved, and my trusty dark brown leather jacket worn cool cat style.

who cares if your code of the gentlemans upbringing endowed you with the knowledge of nice lil words? lets speculate:

mommy spanked you each night if you didnt read 20 pages from the dictionary 10 times over. Right? daddy was never proud when his son wasnt ruminating about his vocabulary.. im sure he enjoyed spanking your bottom with a need to discipline an unworthy child.

obscure? no, not really.. its plain and simple to understand, really, its not that confusing.. your simply skimming over things and highlighting phrases and large words, like the good english detective that you are.

moon mystery/musical eden: pure fucking crap created to see how well i could predict your pathetic ranting.

my picasso pieces.. well those were works of love, and no, this doesnt mean that picking them apart will bother me darkie.

you wish to reveal the "secret" (im not hiding, i have no fear, expose all that you think ive tucked away into my closet of bones)that i write to prove that i can do it like a master.. your a moron.. i dont give a shit what you think, theres a slight few that have any effect on me, and i never let such influences do much imprinting, but i can do better acting than you, thats for sure.

Your the man who has something to prove.. a need to convince folks of my retardation, fraudulant wannabe writing, and brown nosing social attitude.. also that im a hypocrit. all these things meaning nothing, for you have gotten NOWHERE.. nada, zip, zero. your my guitar.. i pluck some strings, you make some noise.. add some drums played in a unharmonious manner, and we have your sideshow amusement english punk rock. bingo.

now (excuse my Good Will Hunting quotes) HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES?

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