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Trailer Park: Diary of a Hayseed (Free verse) by DreamerSupreme

My eyes gaze over the trailor park scene of my life. America to me is an endless stretch of fields with motorhomes parked permanently on dark soil. Morgan drinks his moon shine, freshly distilled from the last night, cursin about the flies that invaded his living space. Cindy is in the field by the trees rough housing like the tomboy she is. She lifts her skirt for anyone that has two dollars and a pair of blindfolds. Dirt roads stretch across the rolling hills like brown veins. The local mom and pop gas station decorates my windows view, its neon sign blinking Mill r s G s Statoin. Miller Ferrows never could spell that well...

Joe-joe 20-Aug-03/6:20 PM
It's the fucking jungle because that's what you have chosen to make it. There are people on this website who get their points across quite professionally and efectively without being childish and offensive.... Z and Mr. Pig are prime examples of what I'm talking about. I'm really trying not to fucking prosteltize here. We've been there before and you were rightfully offended by that. But let's be fucking real. What I'm talking about is so basic and fundimental. If you don't like a piece of work come out and say so in a constructive way. I don't know what your fucking E-Zboard work shop is all about but it doesn't sound like what I'm talking about. I'm talking about being brutally honest and constructive while being respectful of other peoples efforts and feelings. There are ways of getting your feelings across without being offensive. Why is that so difficult for you to understand? Take a good look at your work. My man, you need a shit load of work on your game. Even I can see that. What the hell am I doing for you and what am I saying about myself if I tell you that your work sucks, you're a fucking asshole, and that your mother has donkey and gorilla cum ooozing from her pussy. It's offensive and infintile. Anyone whose got the courage to throw their work out here for their peers to criticize, deserves to be treated respectfully. When I was younger I was a relatively successful boxer. There was a respect among fighters because we all realized that everytime anyone of us stepped into the ring we were risking our lives. Skill level was unimportant. What we're doing here in this site is not much different than that. Grow the fuck up (there I go talking down to you..sorry)! Like I said, if you want to have a mature relationship I'm game. If you want to be one of the monkey's in the jungle go find another patch of trees to play in..... Joe-joes not playing with the monkeys anymore.

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