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The Longest Wait (Revised) (Free verse) by Caducus

A plastic tube in oval claret, Your fate lays in a monotone beep. A green line flickers, and hopes rest in uncertain waves, that have become your bedside beacon. I sing your favourite love song, hoping that you'll hear me, sometimes I forget the words, then realize I've just sang them subconsciously. As you flounder in pale shade, I scowl at the vibrant bouquets, that flourish in your decline, as fates cruel hand awaits its Croupier. Fate is a horizontal line, The illuminated split of jade upon black, Time is recorded by impervious staff, Who destroy the remnants of her in sheets, The bed is made for another, And I leave silently to silence.

Caducus 8-Aug-03/3:23 AM
PAKI maybe just maybe the human race is failing because of people like yourself. I am proud that people fall for my (as you and only you seem to call it) crap poetry. Whats the point in arrogantly convincing yourself that your poetry is better than everyone elses when the majority of people are bored to death reading most of your poems? Yes you would argue that these people who like the poetry I write are soap opera watching, low IQ, Jerry Springer audience wannabe's BUT as that has been your constant whine at me then I suggest you go to all these people who have POSITIVELY commented on my poem and insult there intelligence for likeing such a piss poor poet as myself. You Sir write poetry less exciting than the ingredients of a Cornflake box ! the only difference is I will tell that to you directly rather than slagging you off to other users. This is because I'm wise enough to understand no-one gives a shit about our mutual dislike for one another.

The sad thing is you would be listened to more is you were not such a prick. Poetry is not defined with 'poetandknowit' yes you can write some excellent poetry but hey guess what ...apparently so can I, you may not be able to grasp that truth with your John Merrick size head but thats the way it is.

As for reading me in a TS voice, I am so pleased for you. I always read yours in a loud voice shouting because its the only way people will listen to it - by forcing them too.

Lots of Love


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