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Myopic Labotomized Hubris (Free verse) by Retaliate

The plans on the table pour liquid from the minds of endless madmen The myopic lobotomized hubris of a bodiless head that feeds itself with the invisible hands of miserable men soon the table will be submerged and the only thing left in the room (should we fail to bilge this insanity) will be our anoxiated swollen carcass and an empty hollow head like a chalice floating half-submerged in its own stagnant meningial fluid

SupremeDreamer 8-Aug-03/1:47 AM
Well.. its just my dreamer way of voicing my opinion.. notice that i didnt include your first two stanzas.. those were good.

then you started talking about some goddamn wheel and shit, and im sitting there thinking: Man, this guy got some pretty good drugs.. because i don't have a clue what you were trying to do or what message you wanted to express.. bleh..

Good choice, retaliation isnt a good idea, bitching turns me into a demon and i really start shooting rockets at your work.

and about toke the snake, i know.. that was a fucking stroke of genius i had when i needed to fit my mini-parody into your rhyme and form, i succeeded in keeping it focused on a funny rant about masturbation.. im actually quite proud of myself.. ;)

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