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wFrasier Allonbyw is a recipient of the poemWanker award: sub account that jus tlikes to wank Moosefart's Revenge (Free verse) by wwFrasier Allonbyww
See, generally, http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=museheart
But see, in particular, http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=cache:vsKRahs-
for the following ...
"They think because I am bipolar, I am weak."
"After thinking if over pass the personal grief it has caused me, I find
I must let others know about Poemranker.com. I would not want a
reputable poet to go through what I did so I am advising that everyone
boycott this site and make sure that your website boycotts it."
"I do have copies of most of the comments some of which were so bad I
deleted if you wish to see them, many are still up at the site. The
really horrible thing
is that one guy has about eight screen names and he apparently has
followers who also decided to gang
up on me. He rewrote my "Stigma," they wrote poems about me using the
most horrible language I have ever been subjected to anywhere. They
even planned
my funeral."
"Now one might ask why I didn't just pack up and go, right? Because at
first I thought just maybe I could make them understand that I wasn't a '
whiner,' that maybe I could educate them about Mental Illness, so I even
tried posting more which brought me more grief. They all started
writing more lewd poems (if you could call them poems) about me, threats,
I tried in vain to reason with the owner kaolin fire and even found him
plotting against me
in his Live Journal, telling half truths."