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American Eden (Free verse) by Don-Quixote
[A work in progress, heavy crit wanted..]
Its not about how
one man fails societies code of morality,
blaming his drunken father
and his mother who was never home.
Its not about how
another man follows a gentleman's
code of honor, drilled into him since
he was a toddler
by his polite and decent mum.
Its not about how
one was raised, or where
a person came from.
Its not even about how
a man commits horrid crimes against humanity
to soothe the pain of his tormented insanity.
Its about how the tortured
become weak, timid, and lazy.
Sadly buried far too deep in self pity,
too fearful to open rusted eyelids.
Its about how the brave
take the ashes of a war
and turn it into solid bricks
to build a skyscraper.
Its about how a poet
looks at a blank piece of paper
and does not see pure white snow
but a beautiful rainbow
of color just waiting to be realized.
Its about how ghosts
are electric spirits
wandering in the kindergarten
classroom of this universe.
Its about orphans made into slaves
chained immediately since birth,
prepared neatly to be returned to the earth
unrealized and unfulfilled.
And I suddenly realize that
I do not live the American Eden.
I now know that we are in hell.