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a Waste of Space (Other) by thepinkbunnyofdoom
This is a blank page
Or at least it was
Til some fuck thought he'd get creative and go and fuck it up
Now fucking look at it
Its wasted
The potential
The Possibilities
This could have be the best fucking piece of literature every written
Now Look at it
Its been raped
Ravaged by my pen
Every thing it had fucking going for it GONE
Eaten by emotion
Lost are the great messages it could have had
Untold stories could have been told
Instead some twit scrawled a bunch of meaningless words
They hold no Value
Again they mean fucking nothing
So whats the point?
Why the fuck are you even reading this shit?
I'll tell you why
Cause despite the fact that I'm saying nothing
You can't help but look for something
There were no pretenses made here
None of my arrogant pointless lies and endless driveling madness
This is pure and simply a waste
Look for something if you must
But all I got to say is fuck
This is nothing more than a rant without rhyme or form
Written to take up space
But you read it anyway...