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Standing by the Sea (Other) by thepinkbunnyofdoom
A man sits like as though he were stone
Waiting for a sign to move forward from this cliff
Once a week he abandons his cliffside by the sea to rest and eat
He has done so for almost a year now
Told by his elders to that he must wait to find a sign
He has seen many things but apon thought none were for him
Many ships have past by as well as beast
He has had heat visions of the Budda and Dragons from the far east
Yet these things have not moved his heart and so he has only moved to
He has waited silently lost in thought seeking
Many are the dreams and many are the hours of solitude
When one day a young woman from a near by village came and sat next to
Still he waited though he was puzzled by her presense
She'd come at sun rise and she left at sunset never saying a word
After many weeks one morning he came to sit where he has sat for over a
year now
Much to his amazement she sat in his place staring at the sea
Finally he had to ask with hoarse voice that hadn't been used in ages
"What are you doing here, I have sat here for many moons waiting for my
Apon several moments she very shortly replied
"I am changing the very fabric of the world in which you cling"
More confused and than ever he stared at her, pondering her words
He spent the entire day and much of the moon's light thinking
As the moon began its downward wane he asked "why"
"All the thought in the world will not move a statue wasting away by the
Nothing has moved you from this spot
After all these years I have grown tired of waiting
You seek something that can move you when you are the one that moves
Now you are moved and don't know what to do
Should you move on and find a new place in this world
Or perphaps shall you take a wait for things me to move to right things
Only to live your life in a circle, that can not end
That path will bring you and myself only pain and miseary"
So the young man did the only thing he could think of and kissed her
When his lips met hers she grabbed him and ran off the cliff
They were battered by the tide and carried out to sea and came up on a
Together they began a new life and lived happily ever after somewhere
near Fugii