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moon rants (Free verse) by bluwiz

A big, rotund, pale satellite of the earth. Yeah. That's me. Big whoop. I go around and around in circles, never getting anywhere. Like a big stupid blimp like me would have anywhere to go. I'm the poor substitute for Mr. Sun. I just reflect what light he hits me with. It's not because I want to. I can't help it even if I didn't want to. That's just the way it is. Around and around and around. I'm right at the bottom of this solar system's hierarchy. Heck, maybe of this universe's hierarchy, how am I supposed to know? I haven't really been anywhere except around this blue and green chunk of rock. And it goes around the sun, and the sun goes around the galaxy with the other solar systems, I presume. I'm virtually a slave, a prisoner with invisble bonds (hey! that sounds kinda poetic!) Undoubtedly I'm not the only one, but it still sucks to be one and one of the lowliest ones at that. I am SUCH a loser. I don't even know why I'm here! Shit. Now I'm a stupid loser. My life sucks! Oh, wait. I don't even have one. Am I happy? WHO CARES! It's not as if my situation can change if I wasn't. And do I even have feelings? Hello-ooo! Scratch that. Earth-men have actually said that I am the queen of their night sky, with the sun as my king and the stars my minions. The sun is of course lording it over the whole system, but the stars as my minions? Hah! I wish. It's ludicrous. I don't even have arms to reach for them or the mobility to even come near them. Shows what earth-men know. Imagine, with them having free-rein of their selves apart from being highly intelligent creatures, they come up with that?! I'd cry if I could! Of all the naive things to imagine. To those stars, I'm just a ball of dust. And who says I'm female?! Or male?! Can a ball of dust have gender? Puh-leese. I see the earth and the landscape of the galaxy, a lot of what earth men want to see. Ah, the beauty. So timeless. So boring. If they had to see it day in and day out for your whole lifetime (and for me that's a LONG time), they'd get sick of it, too. Watching them living out their lives is far mor interesting. There's a sort of pattern, but at the same time a complexity that gives way to unpredictability. Contradictory, huh? At least they live and they generally do what they want to do. I just exist, and it's so sad to just exist. I'm here, but do I have any control over anything? Nada. But them earth-men, even if they can change what they want and have full control over themselves, there are still a lot of them who act like they' re slaves or something. Well, that's just plain stupid. They're always free to change their lives at anytime if they're not satisfied with it and half of the time they don't even realize it. Figures. Me? Well, I'll just exist until the sun becomes red and incinerates me. I can't really do anything else, can I? Just round and round until the end. I eagerly anticipate my end. At least it's a change.

liquidlama 16-Jul-02/11:31 PM
the teenage moon an unconfident, whiney rock....I like it.

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