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Beauty, sleeping (revised) (Free verse) by Ranger

Hers was not an apple Hers was a jetplane A 21st century Icarus Her true wish was to break the spell Escape the labyrinths of her tower forever Shatter glass She day-dreamed a Prince, spinning her a golden ladder Climbing past her mother Swinging through the windows I attempted a rescue Hollywood style But the thorns got her first Scratched her eyes like shards of her mother’s mirror Malice through the Looking Glass No matter how much I cried She still couldn’t see me Meanwhile those brambles had become a forest, entwined themselves seductively round my hands and her hair Drew blood A perfect chance to release her, or so I thought Sadly my sword was not designed for such use On plants (Alas-for soon the woodsman appeared on the scene Equipped with his axe Hunting, I believe Seeking game at any rate- This was not to be my day) Well, although she longed for a Prince My three gifts of happiness, friendship and a "Get out of Jail Free" card Went unrecognised Intercepted, perhaps, by the scheming witch downstairs Either way, I had a kingdom to manage Castles dwarves and all So my stallion and me turned away And left her to stamp and hurl rampion Fairies, too They cast a spell at me I dodged and she slept for a hundred years Under a gingerbread sky I wept in the woods There the wolf wept too, for his grandma had died Murdered, by all accounts He huffed And he puffed And he blew the princess away My, what a big heart you have

Shardik 2-May-03/2:48 PM
Don't thank her. Not that she isn't the best thing since a tuna melt, but it ruins your poem's bottom and some people are judgemental and bias. Other than that. Hilarious.

Talking about GW though, She's the first person in my life that stepped through the membrane of what true love or real love is and offered to help me stay sober. Not that no one cares. It's just a lot of work and there is an exhausting amount of communication involved in helping a realy resourceful and brilliant person get off of hard candy. It takes a lot of love, and trust in a situation were you might be the only one there that still has the ability to do that 'trust' and 'love' you know what i mean? She's my friend, and I know that she loves me, and oddly enough. That's something I'm just grasping, weird huh.
Life is crazy like that, but yesterday I saw my three year old son's first soccer game (he's three) and i was sober, and i only smoked two cigarettes. lol, but ah, that's big in my mind right now. 1 week sober. I have a really special circle of friends, and my son may totally suck right now at soccer, god bless his tiny little man legs, (he's great at the sax though!) atleast now I can participate on a level that's rational and benificial for everyone. I was great at soccer and still am, he needs me. We can do it. together. lol. that should be my speech at the na aa olympics this year. Oh well, what ever.

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