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July 6, 2002 (Free verse) by Raen
she was nothing more than filler...
for time needing to be passed
and as her eyes filled with misery
she knew the truth was close.
behind the stained curtain lies
rusted nails, and empty bottles
of sin.
deceit like a florentine perfume
sweet, yet so strong on the wrists
holding gentle devious chins
in the air so we can see...
your not me.
like sand refusing to go to sea
or the memories afraid to leave...
she was stubbornly waiting for acknowledgement
from the stoney faced
electric woman in the mirror.
four hours the bathtub overfull.
four hours the phone unanswered.
four hours the world was not hers.
sinking beneath cool water
wandering for home.
the pool around her became salty.
and she pleaded for salvation
as the minutes pounded understanding
into her corse veins.
wake up
your only dreaming your reading