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Bible Quoting Fag Killer (So it is said) (Free verse) by Blindproject217

Looking about at the desolate streets I am alone My ideals that have been told are true Are burned before me As nations rise to take power Many protest I stand behind the truth that I know I cling to my reality I am afraid Afraid to open my eyes And see nothing To see the emptiness that motivates The lost about me But as I look in the mirror Im not ashamed I know who I am And you hate it And I hate you for the pain you give I hate you for hating me And Im lost in the hate that consumes me And my ideals that were crushed Are thrown back in my face With a note that condemns me With only a question An inquiry that asks How are you different from me? With my life that shows The opposite of my beliefs How can I be different? In a world that doesn’t want me to be You wanted to know why Im different? Why I refuse to open my mind? Cause your relative stance is inadequate To fill what I need inside With your agnostic screams of tolerance With your humanistic stance With all that you have With all that you are You’re nothing but a pawn, controlled from afar

god'swife 2-Apr-03/5:37 PM
Dear boy,... I don't even know where to begin. Does Jesus condemn, or does he save? It's not heaven if in the end not everyone gets to go. Jesus gave up his life for the sake of tolerance and love. You don't know what I'm talking about do you?

Either way your poem is simply a rant.
Good luck.

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