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Gods Gift of Love (Free verse) by mckenzie

Welcome little one, welcome into our lives our world our family. We can not wait to see you to hold you to smell ur sweet scent. We thank god everyday for the precious gift we are about to receive from above. Your father and I love each other so much we made you and we will love you twice as much . We cant wait until we look into those deep blue eyes. See those rosey red cheeks,and those huge dimples, smileing back at us with all the love in the world. Those courious little eyes wondering what journeys lay behind the door or out in the huge world. Those eyes for us to show. Things like what grows what makes noise,to make you laugh to make you grow. Grow big and strong knowing that you are loved and wanted so much in this life. Mommy and Daddy and Big Sissy can not wait for your arrive our precious gift from God.

-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 23-Mar-03/7:53 AM
Oh! You were trying to get that across, huh? Yeah? Great! Were you? Really? Oh yeah? Tough guy, huh! Oh, yeah, sure. Come on man. Then how come you said "people don't take off for typos as much as you'd think"? Is that the same as "spelling isn't everything"? No! It isn't! I don't think you'll find it is! I've checked! It's not the same!!!!11111

Let's look at a point-by-point rundown of exactly why "spelling isn't everything" isn't the same as "people don't take off for typos as much as you'd think".

1. It could be that spelling wasn't everything, but that people still took off for typos all the time, if, for the sake of example, everyone took a drug that made them take off for everything.

2. It could be that spelling *was* everything, but that people didn't take off for typos, if, for example, people suddenly all took drugs that made them mild-mannered.

3. "Spelling isn't everything" is a statement about values. Its truth depends on moral facts. "People don't take off for typos as much as you'd think" is a statement about people. Its truth depends on facts that don't need to be (and probably aren't) moral.

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