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Departing (Free verse) by scornofangels

Dance slowly my love this may be our last. Don't blink, don't look away. Just breathe. Let our memories comfort you on lonely nights. Let me be your lullaby. We'll meet again, doubt it not. I promise we'll be together forever. Hold me closer. Let your heart beat with mine. Our song is slowly ending, my story's almost told. Do you remember when we met? Will you remember when I'll leave? I'll never forget either, and all else in between. Let's move in sync one last time. Whisper me your dreams again. And with my last breath I love you.

<~> 11-Mar-03/7:39 AM
why is the language in this so arcane? the poem would be much more accessible if it were more vernacular, or, if you were trying to make it sound like a classic Romantic poem, if you stayed with formal usage. I suspect you got the zero becuse you didn't make up your mind.

i won't vote until it's finished. if this is finished, i'll not vote.

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