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First Confirmation (Free verse) by babyBOOMER

~ December 15, 1968 ~ today i was confirmed no holy water, no feast no parties, not even a priest nothing really reaffirmed except an affirmative congratulations were in order as the general order of the day but no priests were present to allow me to pray for a soul that went to someplace what religion is this? ~ There were no beers at least for a while he looked like a man though was probably a child confirmation! It had been confirmed and now inscribed just for the record a permanent record written in my head one confirmed one more dead ~ Why i wonder is the date so hard to forget i just can't relate days had turned to time that did not move i was only 20 years old how old was he? did he have a family? it could have been the other way around i could have been the confirmed kill ~ Screams of joy went out pats on the back i did not see his face another displaced should there be a celebration? at confirmations there ought to be a relation but they were like brothers to me i wish i could close my eyes and not see ~ no burial no words no funeral nothing they just walked away but i cannot walk i remember too much of confirmation day ~

Jimbo 6-Mar-03/7:49 PM
For any given proposition, you always find the most smug way to express it.
Way over your head kiddo, a quote like that certainly isnt yours.

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